
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for once again waking us up! We praise you Lord! Thank you for the mercies you bestow on us with each new morning! Great is your faithfulness. Father, we ask for your strength today. Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your sight oh Lord.

Lord there really aren’t enough words to thank you for all you do for us; even when we don’t deserve it. We are in awe of your goodness towards us. Most especially during this season. Thank you again for sending your son Jesus to save us!

Lord, during this season remind us above all else, to show the love of Christ so people will be drawn unto you as we let our light shine.

Thank you for who you are in our lives!
We look forward to a great day in Jesus name Amen!


Lamentations 3:23
Psalm 19:14
Matthew 5:16

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